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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  September 1, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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we have developing news in vallejo -- [ inaudible ] ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: -- related to the case of two missing women. [ inaudible ] ♪ [ music ] >> -- morning commute for -- [ inaudible ] >> -- coast must be clear and it must be warmer today. yes, that is the case. we will have those forecasted highs in about -- [ inaudible ] >> -- barbara boxer and challenger carly fiorina as each gets ready for tonight's d v debate. the morning news continues. >> complete bay area news coverage continues. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> good morning. thank you for joining us on this wednesday, september 1s, i am pam cook. >> good morning. i am dave clark. we want for get straight to breaking news that is happening right now, this morning. the breaking news is that -- [ inaudible ]
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>> -- spree. at this point five people are confirmed dead, including the suspect. bodies have been found in hercules, richmond and vallejo, bomb squad units are at two locations. claudine wong starts our coverage in vallejo. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we have moved over. we are in the yard next to a storage facility. you can see behind me the bomb squad here working a storage locker. we are told by our police sources that this is all related to this case. the bomb squad actually has two locations in vallejo they are trying to get to. they are trying to process this one and one on upland court. that one is secondary. we were just over on upland court and that is where police say the bodies of two women were found overnight. the husband of one of those women has been taken into custody. and those details are still
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unfolding. these women were reported missing last wednesday. 60-year-old carol smart and her friend 67-year-old deana allen. it was ellen who actually knew the suspect that people have been talking about in this case. because he according to family members stayed at the home and sometimes passed himself off as her son. they have been missing again since last wednesday and the confusion has been how they have been all connected to this other case in hercules. so a lot of details unfolding but again what is happening here at this hour is that police have tracked down these two different locations. one -- and both of them are the focus of the bomb squad. obviously a lot of details we are working through but all this came to light overnight as well, that is when this deadly police chase took place across a couple of different counties in the bay area. it ended in the east bay, that
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is where kraig debro is standing by now. >> reporter: good morning, claudine. i am in richmond. behind me a car is being towed away. that is the suspect's car. there was a big release of sense after police searched this vehicle. they seem to be pulling back. they nt whatted to search the suspect's vehicle after having information that explosives were at a property controlled by by ed by the suspect in vallejo. he had a fight with them. police spotted him and a chase began. chp took over and chased him on 680 to 580 to 880. chase speeds reached up to 100
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miles an hour. at one point the suspect's vehicle blew at least one tire yet he continued racing here to the ranch market. chp says he got out of his car and ran into the market where he was shot and killed. >> a suspect did have a large knife and when officers gave commands for him to drop that knife he lunged at officers and which they were in fear for their lives. they discharged their firearm and which the suspect was struck and suffered fatal injuries. >> reporter: this all started last saturday when someone filed a missing person's report open two people, a father and son. when police arrived at the home in hercules they found the father, 73-year-old man, dead. police say he had been bludgeoned to death. his son is still missing. grimly as it may be with all these bodies showing up one thing they wanted to mention,
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sai very important detail here. he wasn't the only person in the car. police have identified another person in the car as his girlfriend and she had been strangled to death so he can be connected by police to two murders right now. his girlfriend in the car and another man. in terms of the other two people we are not sure what that connection is. police are certainly looking at that. then we have frederick salas, still missing so up to five people now may be connected to this person who was shot and killed by police. the officers involved are put on paid administrative leave pend in the outcome of an investigation. there will be parallel investigations going on. reporting live in richmond, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. >> we will continue our live team coverage of this still developing story. you can also get more
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information by going to our channel 2 website, >> tonight senator barbara boxer and her republican challenger carly fiorina will face off in their first debate. the debate will take place at st. mary's college. the moderator is ktvu's political editor. you can watch the debate live right here at channel 2 tonight at 7:00. >> 6:05. this is the first day of september and it is another spare the air day. the bay area air quality management district says the awill be unhealthy today so they are encouraging everybody to avoid driving if you can and use carpools or mass transit. this is only the third spare the air day of the summer. the previous two were last week. >> 6:06. want to go back over to sal to check in on traffic. maybe more people will be encouraged to take mass transit i guess today. >> well, we will see. we are certainly watching mass
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transit and watching the roads as well. this commute day i think i said earlier was tuesday, it is wednesday. i don't want to scare anyone -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- san francisco the same thing goes. we are doing okay on 580 westbound as well. that traffic looks good. if you are driving across the bridges traffic does move well on 101 and 280 when you get there. so far we are off to a nice start. 6:07 here is steve. >> all right. sal, thank you very much. real quick a little shout out doug, he is the captain, san ramon -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- remember in 23 years. except for that fire we had last week out towards mount diablo and thankfully there was no -- [ inaudible ] >> -- everyone knows firefighters will tell you that -- that is when we have our elevated fire danger and today
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we start that a little bit. [ inaudible ] >> -- but, yeah, that congirls confirms our cool summer -- [ inaudible ] >> -- very cool summer. 57 in san francisco. 64, 74, we will go 84, average high on september 1s, san francisco 70 degrees so -- [ inaudible ] >> -- 90s through the interior, severe clear -- [ inaudible ] >> -- warm up and we start to see some of the conditions are ripe for it. but look at the difference in the temperatures here. mt. tam 72. 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. kenwood is 48. yountville 51. fairfield now 63. suisun city 63. and vacaville is 70. 37 tahoe. 50s, 60s in the valley. the fog down by point conception -- [ inaudible ]
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>> -- that -- [ inaudible ] >> -- today, tomorrow, but the fog will be back, i think by the coast as we head towards late thursday into friday but today warmer weather. in fact we take that into the inland areas the most but there is a little bit of an offshore breeze so 5 to 10 degrees warmer today. no fog, coast is clear but the fire dang goes up and also spare the air day so don't forget. highs 70s, 80s by the beaches, yes, 70s 80s by the beaches, 80s 90s to mid-90s well inland. could get some if you get far enough away in the upper 90s -- [ inaudible ] >> -- cool down on the weekend understand a big cool down next week. >> all right, thank you, steve. well -- [ inaudible ] >> -- berkeley, a mountain lion eluded police for more than an hour as it roamd a berkeley neighborhood. in the end officers shot and killed the big cat in the driveway of a home on walnut street. that is just a block from many
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restaurants. neighbors reports seeing it rowing through backyards at 2:00 yesterday morning. the department of fish and game advised officers on what to do. >> fish and game said based on the behavior of the animal that -- and the area that it was in, that it likely posed a public safety threat. >> fish and game officials say that they plan to conduct tests on the mountain lion to see if it had rabies or perhaps some other type of illness. -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- number 63 and there is still no california budget. we will tell you what is next for state lawmakers ab the governor. >> reporter: i will have live coverage of a historic ceremony going on right now in baghdad marking the end of u.s. combat operations. it's not back-to-school, it's forward to what's next
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with an hp netbook, samsung reality or lg cosmos for under $20 after rebate.
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well, good morning to you. welcome back. time now 6:13. and their morning vice- president joe biden is taking part in a change of command ceremony in baghdad. all of this comes after president obama's address to the nation last night marking the formal end of u.s. combat operations in p iraq. ktvu's al son burps is live with all the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, dave. that's right, and this morning we are watching history in the making in iraq. in just the last hour the u.s.
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military held a handover ceremony in baghdad, marking the end of cam bat operations and the beginning of the civilian led operation new dawn. vice-president joe biden and defense secretary bob gates are in baghdad for the event. >> we have kept a promise. a promise made to the american people and to the people of iraq by drawing down our forces to ruffle 50,000. and we are on track to remove all of our troops by the end of next year. >> earlier defense secretary bob gates says the u.s. is no longer at war in iraq and he is optimistic iraqi leaders are on track to form a functioning government. critics are expressing doubt that iraq will be stable enough for u.s. forces to life next year. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. lyson. and we talked with people right here in the bay area about their reaction to the end of the u.s. combat mission in
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iraq. >> it is good that the war is over and our combat operations are done. it is always good to get the troops home, yeah. >> there still needs to be a lot of cleanup and some support of the new, you know, just trying to help the iraqi government take control themselves. >> now you can watch president obama's spire speech marking the end of the u.s. combat operations in iraq at our channel 2 website. you will also find a survey there asking for your reaction. just look for the u.s. news tab. >> today president obama is focused on mild east peace talks. the president is holding separate oval office meetings with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the palestinian president ahead of a joint meeting with them tomorrow. the leaders of egypt and jordan are also participating. as expected statute law u makers voted down two
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proposals. democrats voted against the other's plan and they others voted against their plan. legislative leaders from both sides along with the governor near with try to work out a compromise. >> a judge says executions at san quintin will not be allowed to resume. executions have been on hold since 2006 following a legal challenge that claimed that lethal injection might inflict cruel and unish punishment f the state has revised, excuse guide ryans and say they satisfy legal concerns, however an attorney who went before the judge yesterday says the state doesn't follow procedure when drafting the new rules. >> if they had followed the rules, we would not be here. we would not have this lawsuit and we would not have the additional delays. >> the state attorney general jerry brown plans to appeal the judge's oord to continue the
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ban on executions. >> today a commission will hear testimony from the former heads of lehman brothers and wachovia. they are investigating the system-wide risk created when some financial institutions are considered too big to fail. also testifying will be federal bank regulators. >> our time now 6:16, let's get you to where you need to go. sal will help you, won't you? >> yes, i will. good morning to you. we are doing well so far. we have slow traffic in antioch on highway 4 heading west toward concord and eventually over to walnut creek. if you are driving from let's say fairfield to vallejo a nice drive and into panol and richmond looks good. traffic is okay toward the macarthur maze and the bay bridge toll plaza. when you get to the toll plaza not a bigs crowd there right now. traffic is moving well into san
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francisco. it is 6:17. let's go to steve. >> yesterday at this time all the traffic shots were looking at fog, fog, fog. that has disappeared. why not? i painted you a pretty picture this morning. 57 in san francisco -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- san francisco 70 degrees. we are going 84 today. yeah -- [ inaudible ] >> -- go. high pressure is built in. lots of sunshine. warmer weather today and tomorrow. but if -- if anything is like it has been since may, june, july and august -- [ inaudible ] >> -- be out of here and that looks to be the pattern. today, though, 84 in san francisco for a high. severe clear. sunny and warmer, for nog on the coast, 70s, 80s, 90s, 61 at san jose, 52 santa rosa nap a livermore-concord 58. good dome of high pressure on its way today and tomorrow. we do have a component of a
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northeasterly breeze. sunny and warmer, clear on the coast, 70s, 80s and 90s on this first of september. for those of you who don't like the heat hunker down because big time cooling early next week, pam and dave. >> thank you, steve, 6:18 is the time right now. maim a is talking with several companies about offing unlimited viewings of older tv shows and movies on time. the first discussions are focusing on tv shows and movies already available on home video. amazon is struggling to stay relevant as consumers switch to netflix and apple's itunes. fewer people are going to the movies this summer. domestic receipts from movies are expected to top $4 billion
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dollars. analysts predict that attendance will be down to 552 million for the summer, the lowest level since 1997. one analyst says the high price contributes to both trends. >> one of bp's oil spill command centers will be closed because the company hasn't paid its bills. the property is used to coordinate cleanup praises southeast of gnarls. the louisiana officials say workers have been told they have got to leave by the end of the week and that bp owes millions in back rent and other expenses. so far no comment from bp. >> 6:20 is the time right now. the faa has released the cockpit tapes from that scary incident on board a flight out of sfo. find out what the pilot told the tower after learning one of the jet's engines had just exploded. >> we are going to find out how a newly released audiotape has stirred up controversy between san jose and its firefighters.
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>> good morning, if you are driving anywhere in the bay area so far we are off to a decent start of the we will tell you more coming up. ♪ [ music ]
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[music ] >> bay area bridges right now looking pretty good and look at the rich monday bridge.
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many days we can't see it because of the fog -- [ inaudible ] ♪ [ music ] [ inaudible ] >> -- 6:23. let's goo back to the desk. >> all right. sal, thank you. [ inaudible ] >> -- firefighters is escalating. the firefighters union claims the city knew that laying off firefighters would reduce response times but says officials held back that information from the public. now they are .ing to an audio recording they released yesterday of a deputy fire director speaking at a conference in florida back in april. >> our current response time objective is eight minutes 80% of the time. we are currently at 81%. we think we are going to drop to 78 so we will go be low what is currently adopted as the standard for the city -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- chuck reid says the city has never mislead the public and says firefighters are trying to avoid a requested 9%
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cut in benefits that would allow the city -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- office to take over police services. the outsourcing plan is expected to save the city $2 million a year. under this proposal the sheriff's department would rehire san carlos police officers -- [ inaudible ] >> -- response times should not be effected. county supervisors still have to sign off on the plan, which is due to take effect october 31st. >> we are now hearing the dramatic cockpit tapes from the kwan advertise flight that made an emergency landing at sfo early yesterday morning. [ inaudible ] >> -the jet was only 45 minutes
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into its flight when the engine exploded. the blast ripped a hole in the engine. the pilot began dumping fuel before landing safely. no one was hurt. quite an amazing story though on our channel 2 website we have posted a slide show with more photos showing the damage. go to and click on the link under the bay area news tab right on our home page. >> 6:26. the man accused of wounding a fremont police officer is set to appear in a courtroom next tuesday. yesterday prosecutors filed charges against andrew barrientos that could send them to prison for the press of his life. he is still be hand bars in san diego county after his arrest near the mexican border on saturday. investigators say he admits shooting officer todd young but claims he did not know he was a
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police officer. yawning was in street clothing at the time. in the meantime doctors at the hospital say officer young is scheduled to have even more surgery later this week. but they say the 39-year-old officer continues to show signs of improvement. they are calling his latest operation yesterday a success. the 39-year-old officer suffered two bullet wounds during friday's gunfight in oakland as doctors say he lost a lot of blood. well, san rafael police are searching now for a man who groped a woman on the streets. now, this happened this past sunday about 1:30 in the morning on 4th street. police say the victim was walking with a friend when a man walked past and grabbed her. that suspect -- the description of him is vague, described only as caulk indication between 5'8" and 5'10" inches tall. he had on a black hooded sweatshirt and was wearing a black baseball cap. now, if you have any
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information about this, contact san rafael police. time now 6:27. apple fans are counting down until 10:00 this morning. that is when they are going to find out what special product announcement steve jobs will have. we will tell you what some of the speculation is. >> in richmond the chilling discovery that chp following a high speed chase for a murder suspect. details ahead when the morning news continues. ♪ [ music ]
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[ bell rings ] -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- come back. ringing that opening bell live over on the nasdaq -- [ inaudible ] >> -- there at the new york stock exchange with some military personnel there. they are launching a program --
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[ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- programs. traders live at the new york stock exchange. should be a pretty good day -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- good economic news coming -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- most of the asian markets gaining pretty good ground and this morning in europe across the board the major stock indices there are rallying this morning as well on good economic news there overnight in asia and australia as well -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- numbers for you. >> yeah, it is already a good morning. we thank you for joining us here on the ktvu morning news, the first day of september -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- dave clark. >> good morning. i am pam cook. time now is 6:30. five people are dead in what appears to be a killing spree that has spanned richmond,
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hercules and stray lay 0 and this is his is still a developing story. kraig debro has this story but first claudine wong has this. >> reporter: good morning, you can see behind me the bomb squad is here because police tell us there are explosive chemicals inside. there are two crime scenes. there is a scene on lemon street where explosives were found. we did leave that location within the last 15 minutes. the bomb squad left the scene. we are told this is connected to all of this. what we can tell you is that two women were reported missing
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a week ago. carol smart and her friend deana allen. they are connected to this man shot and killed last night. the man also suspected of killing an elderly hercules man. family members say one of the missing women knew him. he apparently stayed at their home and sometimes passed himself as her son. the husband also said that she expressed fear and once asked him to change her locks. police have been searching for him in connection with the brutal fatal beating of anel erld hercules man -- [ inaudible ] >> -- women. now last night as part of all of this in this investigation involved him police came to the vallejo home. that is apparently when they discovered the bodies of the two women inside. sources tell us they had been there for a wheel and called
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this a grizzly scene. here is the twist. allen's husband had atly been living inside this home you are looking at right now with those bodies. he is now in custody. how all this is connected well right now we are trying to connect all these dots as are the police. so the question is are the killing of these two women connected to the other homicides? we don't know and could something here help them found the other homicide victim? we don't flow that other. the one person that ties all this together is now dead. killed in that shootout following the chase. kraig debro joins us now. >> reporter: the motive is unclear. it has been 12 or so hours since his car stopped here. you can see the scene is
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completely clear. just you know he got out of the car about 12 hours ago and minutes later he was shot and killed by police. about 40 minutes ago this was the scene here. a police squad searched the car looking for explosives. police received information that there could be explosives at two locations connected with or controlled by the suspect. since he was driving this car they searched it too, just in case. apparently they did not find any. now the man driving the car is now dead. he was killed following a confroptation with the chp while he was the suspect in the death of a man and the strangulation dit of an unidentified woman found in the car last night. following a high speed chase now police say they had a fight last week. last night pleasant hill police spotted his vehicle and gave chase. they backed off when the vehicle entered the freeway. at 8:10 the chp took over and
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chased him. he got off the freeway here. speeds reached 100 miles an hour. police laid down spike strips but he kept going. the whole time police could see someone in the passenger seat but they had no idea she was dead. chp says he got out of the car and ran into the market where she was shot and killed. >> saw the -- that there was a person in there but you had no idea she was dead. >> that's correct, that's correct. that was discovered when we got here in richmond that party was also deceased. the suspect fled on foot. brandished a large knife at 2 chp officers. they feared for their lives and discharged their service pistols. and unfortunately the suspect was killed in that -- [ inaudible ] >> -- case was last wednesday when those women in vallejo were reported missing but out here in this part of the bay it was saturday when a housemate
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filed a missing person's report on two people, a father and a son. when police arrived the found the father dead. police say he had been bludgeoned to death. his son is still missing. i spoke to a neighbor out there yesterday and he told me that about four or five people lived in the home. he believed the owner was an older woman and judging on the description he gave me it is possible one of the two women found in vallejo this morning might have been the owner. again a motive is unclear. i did speak to a police officer out here and they say it stems from a domestic situation but the officer could not elaborate any further. >> thank you, kraig. we will continue our team coverage of this still developing and very complicated story. you can get more information by going to our website. >> our time now 6:thre. let's talk about your commute
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now. sal is here with the latest. >> you kn one of the things that we have been watching on this wednesday is the traffic is actually doing pretty well and it is kind of a middle of the week commute, a lot of tiles on winds for some reason we start off well and today is no exception. we are doing well down to 580. there are no major problems this morning drive in on the richmond bridge in or out of marin county. also this morning we are looking at the bay bridge. it is getting a crowd there already westbound coming in to san francisco today. it is a spare the air day. if you are taking transit to hip us out with air quality go ahead and do that and let me know what you find. go ahead and send me a tweet. love to hear from you. north bound 101 that traffic moves well. 280 traffic moves well, now. here is steve. >> sal, thank you. and likewise if you have
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weather information spweather, very simple, spweather. skies are clear. [ inaudible ] >> -- not. temperatures warm up today. september first. we paid it through, 61, july, august with what, about -- [ inaudible ] >> -- coolest summers in 35 years, i know that. and one of the slowest fire seasons at least so far in 23. when fairfield has a calm wind -- [ inaudible ] >> -- done deal they are going to be in the 90s -- [ inaudible ] >> -- fairfield. calm at sfo. there is no sea breeze. [ inaudible ] >> -- warm up today. september is usually some of the nicest weather, especially over in san francisco and today that will follow right in with what should be happening and that is temperatures above average. sunny and warmer, the average high in downtown san francisco september first, 70 degrees. [ inaudible ] >> -- 84 today, uh-huh. 57 right now, 64, 74 and there
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is your high. temperatures ed. we had the fog in there -- [ inaudible ] >> -- disappeared and temperatures warmed up. well today we will continue that. 90s for many or 80s. oakland 88, yoirn san francisco, 94 santa rosa downtown. walnut creek 94 pho and san jose 86 to 90 degrees out by the air part always warmer, probably 92 or 93 there and the same for los gatos, always a little warmer there. high pressure has built in, 10 degrees warmer than yesterday morning. 48 kenwood to 70 in vacaville. big spread there, joinsville 71 -- [ inaudible ] >> -- 32, now 34, tahoe is 37. 50s, 60s once you get to september, the overnight lows in the mountains -- [ inaudible ] >> -- yourself on the water vapor -- [ inaudible ] >> -- today and tomorrow, then
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the fog will be back. [ inaudible ] >> -- if you will, so higher fire danger though. we do have a little bit of a northeasterly breeze -- [ inaudible ] >> -- across the board, 70s, 80s and 90s. for those of you -- [ inaudible ] >> -- cooler weather, well hold on, it will be here on the weekend and early next week looks really cool, pam and dave. >> all right. thank you, steve. 6:40 is the time right now. hurricane earl is taking aim at the east coast. we are going to tell you which people are being told to evacuate now no matter when and where that storm hits. >> reporter: and good morning, i am jade hernandez. it is the first televised debate between senator barbara boxer and carly fiorina. more coming up. >> that traffic is moving along pretty well -- [ inaudible ] ♪ [ music ]
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well, good morning to you, welcome back. here is a quick look at some of the store stories we are folic for you right now at 6:44. he was wanted for the fatal beating of a man and he disappearance of his son. police found the body of his
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girlfriend in his car and they have connected him to the violent deaths of two women. we will continue our team coverage at 7:00. also just hours from now in san francisco apple founder steve jobs will reveal the company's latest secret announcement, as usual there is no advance word from apple. there are reports steve jobs will announce a makeover for the ipod so it resembles the iphone 4. tourists on north carolina outer bank islands have been told they have got to leave. earl has been downgraded to a category 3 storm but it still has 125 mile an hour winds. >> preparations are underway for the first major debate of the election season. jade hernandez is at st. mary's college this morning with a look at what we can expect as senator barbara boxer faces off against carly fiorina, jade. >> reporter: good morning. these two women could not be
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more different and tonight's exchange is expected to be a heated firey debate. senator barbara boxer the three term senator faces a tightly contested re-election race. she spoke yesterday in san francisco. she stood firm california voters should reelegitimate her. it is based on clean energy technology. [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- has a plan to revive the made in america slogan and she focuses on job creation. carly fiorina campaigned in the central valley yesterday. the former hewlett-packard ceo accused democrats and senator boxer of failing to do enough to help out the economy. she astacked her record on jobs and spending. on one of the many issues they
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disagree. healthcare. she wants to repeal the bill and wants it replaced by initial initiatives designed to solve specific problems. joining us in a communications professor, an expert on debates and a lot of pressure on tonight's debate. >> absolutely. a lot is at stake. >> tell me a little bit. you were giving me a historical concept of why it is important? >> this is the 50th anniversary of the nixon kennedy debate and in some ways it parallels it. she has to show herself senator oral, so in a way they parallel that match up. >> do you expect it to be a firey debate? >> i don't know. you have to be cordial to your
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opponent. >> tang you so much. we are live where the debate will be held. an hour. more on this coming up. jade hernandez ktvu channel 2 news. >> you can watch the debate live right here at ktvu channel 2 tonight at 7:00. >> 6:47. the department of homeland security is is expanding its drone program. it will fly out of corpus christi, texas. the government has three unmanned planes patrolling the border and plan to add three more by the beginning of next year. >> well, a chance encounter in a forest led to a pot bust. game wardens say they were looking for deer poachers monday night in the national forest. a group of marijuana growers
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mistook them for suppliers and tossed large bags of pot into their truck. 127 pounds of marijuana was recovered. a 28-year-old woman from washington state is recovering from severe burns after police say a stranger threw acid in her face. the mother of the girl told police her daughter was getting something out of her car when a young woman approached her, called her pretty and offered her a drink. then the stranger apparently tossed the liquid in her face. doctors say the victim's eyesight was saved because she was wearing sunglasses -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- hopefully low-key in our commute this morning, sal. >> all right. we do have -- [ inaudible ] >> -- 238 at 580. it is a house fire near 238 and 580. i want to put it on he map for you here. if you are driving through castro valley it is south of
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the y. so far not having a major effect on traffic. the traffic into the livermore valley though is going to be busy over the altamont pass, not stop and go but slow and go as you drive. once you get into livermore it does look better. let's go to live pictures. i westbound bay bridge all of a sudden has a back up of 10 minutes here. today is a spare the air day. so far we don't have too much going on. no problems to report, for example on bart or cal train. that could change at any moment. we are watching that for you. 880 north and southbound light in front of the coliseum. here is steve. >> good morning. happy september first. that means the fog is gone. right? yes, it is gone. we are fog free.
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san francisco and on the coast. 58 mild degrees. temperatures right now the current temperatures are on the mild side as well. some are cool, santa rosa napa low 50s, fairfield 63, the city 58. san rafael 50. 59 oakland, hayward, 61 san jose and and conquer and livermore right there at 57. higher elevations are showing a puff of a northeasterly. at the surface everyone says calm. [ inaudible ] >> 76, 86, and 96 today, severe clear, sunny and warmer weather across the board. 50s, 60s as you saw. temperatures on the mild side for many so it won't take long to warm up. 37 in tahoe. truckie dipped to 32 this morning. ukia 55. they were 87 yesterday. probably dmef today. same up in lake county. sacramento looking for the 90s. along the coast cool, where the fog is. you can see how right there
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that -- [ inaudible ] >> -- today, tomorrow and it will keep on trucking along then it will be out of here but today and tomorrow warmer weather kicks in, 5 to 10 degrees warmer, no fog so the beaches, the coast is clear. elevated hire danger though. we didn't have much so far except last week but for many it has been very quiet for the fire department folks but september, october that is primetime so keep an eye on the sky and hopefully those northeast winds will turn a little more westerly by oh next 48 hours. today though sunny and warmer, clear on the coast, a northerly breeze highs 70s 80s and 90s. tomorrow looks the same. the forecast models have backed off on warmer weather tomorrow and i buy into that. cooler on the coast friday and then for everyone by the weekend. >> thank you, steve. >> yes. >> 6:52 is the time right now. coming up it could sound like a major emergency along the coast this morning. we will tell you why. >> also we will tell you what state lawmakers decided to do about those plastic bags at stores all over california. ♪ [ music ]
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♪[ music ] >> -- morning news. great day on wall street -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- up 136 points. i didn't do it. china and -- and australia -- [overlapping speakers] [ inaudible ] >> -- today -- >> -- now with tori to see what is coming up on mornings on 2.
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good morning. >> good morning. coming up in minutes we are following developing news on a large killing spree. the man suspected of killing a 73-year-old hercules resident was fatally shot by police and the suspect's girlfriend was found dead in his car. this suspect is also connected to the discovery of two women found dead in a vallejo home plus the bomb squad units are there right now searching for explosives. we have two reporters covering this complex story and we will have full coverage all morning. we will also be live at the apple event where there is growing speculation about -- [ inaudible ] [overlapping speakers] >> -- morning and why it may soon be harder for california students to get into uc schools. the reason is money. those stories and more on mornings on two. >> residents may hear a loud siren this morning
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the continue will conduct a test. the test will make sure they are loud enough. >> a bill that would have banned all plastic bags was defeated. it would have been the nation's first. supporters say the bill would protect 19 billion bags used by californians every year because they hurt the environment. opponents say it is cost too much. >> a house fire near the castro valley y. this is on jacobs street here near the castro valley y and looks like there is a hole in the roof and the power may be out but it is not effecting the freeway traffic.
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again near the castro valley y so far not effecting traffic. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. we will check back in with you in a moment. also a bomb squad is searching for explosives. we will take a live look at a home as detectives work to follow a trail of bodies across three bay area cities. we continue to get new information on the story. stay with us. more coming up next. send comments to captions by terry james, caption colorado, llc. south of laredo, there's a place...
6:59 am
so hot, rattlesnakes combust. ♪ but we go, cause ya gotta eat bold. [ male announcer subway fiery footlong subs. the bold-acious new turkey jalapeño melt and buffalo chicken. subway. eat bold!


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